Showing posts with label projects. Show all posts
Showing posts with label projects. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

had a feeling...there was something out there for me...

will add a photo tomorrow.

had a feeling with garbage day tomorrow in my neighborhood that i should drive a few blocks vicinity. getting discouraged after finding a couple 1940s little golden books in a pile of junk (they were in a drawer with no dresser and not a quality drawer it was left behind, but the books came with me...

i thought if the light musty smell from the books wouldnt come off with dryer sheets in a box for a couple weeks i could resort to using the pretty pictures on the pages, and nursery rhymes to decoupage onto little chairs, desks, or bookshelves....then my mind began racing with possibilities of which little chair would go with which picture...didnt come up with anything at the moment and wasnt yet home, so set the books aside and...

i continued on to a few more alleys, just when i thought there was nothing else...i found a little blue painted rocking chair. missing one third of the seat. ugh. at least it was in decent shape otherwise.

deciding i would figure out something with it, i picked it up to put in my suv. lo and behold there lie the mssing piece of the seat in what little grass appeared after the wrath of our long midwest winter.! yay. it can be repaired, wood filled, glued sanded and repainted...

will definitely get a before and after picture of this and add it here.

I figured as cold as it is outside here still, and the little find i was not going to score much else in the local area, and didnt really want to get gas with my last few dollars today so headed home. tomorrow will get the little chair ready for a before picture.

just had a feeling the universe was trying to deliver something to me, i just had to go out and look to find it! two books and a little diy chair paint decoupage project. or rescue two little golden books from musty smells using dryer sheets. maybe a little of both since i can maybe just take copies of a few pages and decoupage them on. win win situation. unless there is a copyright on the pictures from the 40s...hmm. will have to check that out first!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

there is beauty all around us waiting to create smiles

there is beauty all around us waiting to create smiles-mja by Michelle Jacobs-anderson photography. please also see and on facebook my photography fan page

 In life do we shine or sink? do we overcome challenges and inspire others? please see my book project on facebook
i hope to continue seeking funds and collecting pre orders for my inspirational book project Shine or Sink for self publishing. I know it would be a wonderful thing to share my photography and inspiration with even those who do not have the internet!

there is beauty all around us waiting to create smiles-mja by Michelle Jacobs-anderson photography.

Friday, February 3, 2012

new opportunities arise when you follow your dreams!

there are several things as i follow my dreams that are beginning to take shape,
planning a neighborhood green space to improve an empty city lot in my neighborhood,
 publishing an inspirational book of with my photography work, painting furniture,
and seeing my DonatePaint project come to life.
 There are many other things i am also working on like the women painting chairs club which helps bring people together to meet new friends and accomplish any project they may have
the first project will be helping pack a home for a new friend 
who is moving and this summer
hopefully even painting chairs etc... ;)
these are the main ones for now.

when we believe in ourselves and things we like to do
and work towards our goals
things just seem to fall into place.

i wish each of you the best of luck in following your dreams as well.

if you are interested in any of the above projects please ask me for more details!

just found some wonderful amazing people who offered me a plan to have fun, travel and enjoy life and get paid for it! thank you Gail, Jim, Pam and everyone for helping make my dreams possible! It is always exciting to follow your dreams and see the possibilities open up to you so they may come true. if anyone else would like to know how to enjoy life and follow their dreams please ask me!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

No Job Doesn't Mean I am Dead

it is time to evaluate your friends family and life very closely when you find yourself without a job.
what is most important to you?
have your friends and family been there for you and offered any sort of help or have they abandoned you?
technically there is a book for that called toxic parents. this also works with friends. weed out the bad ones who are not there for you
make room for the ones who are.

please also see

You will be surprised at just how many actually act as if you are gone forever while not working.
 please check out my blog page. thanks!

Friday, January 27, 2012

i love creating web pages and new ideas for fun things to do that will connect people. today i founded and created the Women Painting Chairs Club on and on Facebook

it is a comically described club for women designed to support each other and get those little projects completed that pile up around the house like the miscellaneous broken down desk,
nightstand or chair that we see great beauty in if we could just get it painted!

 please join me there as we follow a fun journey of meeting new friends, have new adventures and see how our adopchairs go! ;) thank you so much for your support. You are what makes it all possible!

Sunday, January 22, 2012