Tuesday, January 31, 2012

No Job Doesn't Mean I am Dead

it is time to evaluate your friends family and life very closely when you find yourself without a job.
what is most important to you?
have your friends and family been there for you and offered any sort of help or have they abandoned you?
technically there is a book for that called toxic parents. this also works with friends. weed out the bad ones who are not there for you
make room for the ones who are.

please also see http://www.nojobdoesntmeaniamdead.blogspot.com/

You will be surprised at just how many actually act as if you are gone forever while not working.
 please check out my blog page. thanks!

Friday, January 27, 2012

i love creating web pages and new ideas for fun things to do that will connect people. today i founded and created the Women Painting Chairs Club on webs.com and on Facebook

it is a comically described club for women designed to support each other and get those little projects completed that pile up around the house like the miscellaneous broken down desk,
nightstand or chair that we see great beauty in if we could just get it painted!

 please join me there as we follow a fun journey of meeting new friends, have new adventures and see how our adopchairs go! ;) thank you so much for your support. You are what makes it all possible!

Sunday, January 22, 2012