Showing posts with label painted chairs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label painted chairs. Show all posts

Thursday, October 15, 2015

update! final sale of the year on my lawn!

So this is the final weekend to have an upcycled furniture sale on my front lawn. a couple days ago the canopy tent about blew away with high winds, then it about blew me away as i was taking down the canopy to save it, cause ya know how i like to rescue everything and i was barefoot so i couldnt get the stake that came loose back in the hard dry ground, so the canopy was tipping, and blowing and seemed to be bending.

to get it down, first had to drag all the furniture from underneath, take the cover off, and fold it all up. not an easy task with a bad back, no help, and strong high winds blowing everything. needless to say i ended up with a slight cold, and on the couch the rest of the day after that.

what fun! the next day? and the next? sure enough nice calm weather. i love resting in the comfy space with a space heater when in pain. and listening to music, 97x all the way back from my high school days, still is going strong! and the music still Rocks!

so knowing this is my final nice weekend, with frost expected overnight saturday i believe and rain next week, i started sorting furniture into sale sections by price and my willingness to part with pile of my best work is going back inside. i havent sold them yet, so i really guess i dont plan to at all, hence the reason they havent sold yet, i priced high ;). who says i cant have colorful stuff too just because i ccreated it? sometimes i like my art work way too much!

so then there is the pile of i dont want to sand it, dont want to clean it or repair it or store it so will sell way low pile.

and so on, tables, chairs for higher value, and lower prices too.

i made piles and listened to rock n roll. lol. try saying that line after doign what i did and let people wonder just what you are talking about! at least for those paying attention here, you get it. you are my kinda people. :).

oh! and of course, i cant sort anything without finding the, why did no one buy this i bet it needs even more paint on it! pile. we all have that section right????? or just me? well anyways the kidney shaped table no longer has a dirty light yellow top, it is a very nice grey over the yellow, with only a tiny little bit of yellow showing through which is ok with me!

after foorgetting my passowrd for the millionth time, and resseting it just to get signed in, i feel a strong need, to not correct a sinlge mis spelling here.. when i start typing letters in words backwarsd i know i am exhausted and shoudl probly stop typing.! so good night for now. the backward letter thing is really interesting..i find myself interesting for usre.sure. oops! ok then!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

october 17th 2012

looks like rain today here in the midwest..for fun please be sure to email me at for any chair upholstery or painted chair orders and be sure to check out my latest work on The Painted chair Shop on facebook all for sale!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Gypsy Princess Art

please message for unique painted furniture prices and estimates on items you would like repainted, repaired or refinished. thanks!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

love re-creating furniture!

My Aha Moment came when i combined my love of chairs with my love of art and creativity. I moved my business from canvas painting to chairs and furniture painting and restoration/repair-for restoration/repairs call Matt at 563-676-4212.

I  have created some very unique pieces! if you have any old furniture that needs some personality and character can help.  if you know of any unwanted furniture in the local QC area give me a call Michelle at 563-650-6034 so I can come rescue it! With some care and creativity it could be the next one of a kind original piece for someone's home. 

please view them in my recycled items tab!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

be sure to check out the photos and call if you have something you want painted!

i charge for cost of materials and labor which varies depending on the amount of time each item will take. you will end up with a very unique item when completed that no one else will have. that is priceless. right? of course! who wants to be like everyone else anyways. of course if it is freezing cold out since i work from home the job may have to wait til springtime unless we can find an indoor painting area soon! :)  we also upholster chairs and small benches.