Showing posts with label retrocitytrash. Show all posts
Showing posts with label retrocitytrash. Show all posts

Monday, June 15, 2015

my other blog with really old books i found at an estate sale in a mansion

;I really really love researching and learning about history. What better way than through old books. I acquired a car load of 1800s and early 1900s books at a mansion estate sale. i have started listing them on my other blog here at this link If you love old books you just may find some very rare ones there! on the really old books tab ~

if you really dont want to visit yet a second blog of mine which we know who can resist the temptation of curiosity to see what is there? and you love Facebook too, i have also started adding all my research to my lengthy list of old books with photos etc, on my facebook group at the following link
it is an open group and you are more than welcome to join and post items yourself there as well!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

pyrex everywhere!

this is not my dish but it has been relisted due to no sale. i had not seen this pattern before so had to share. :)
Vintage Prex 444 Cinderella Mixing Bowl Blue Delphite Golden Grape Leafs 4 Qt

These are my dishes as well here at the following blog is hard having so many blogs and try to keep each updated as much as possible. I created several knowing that somewhere some way one of them would do really well and attract lots of friends and followers. It also helps keep me busy when fibromyalgia flare ups take over my day. Those are the days i rely on my blog pages to help pass the time and? I get by with a little help from my friends who visit and keep me company at home, or on my blog pages. Thank You for visiting!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

be sure to check out my new blog

for secure purchases click here for shopping cart purchases and checkout.

 if there is an item you do not see please email me at so i can get things added that we have missed listing there!
as always is free to join, free to list, and free to sell. only fees are connected to paypal when buyer pays for your item. if listing items of your own for sale on ecrater, be sure to click on community and read tons of good tips when starting your store there. happy shopping and happy selling....
