Showing posts with label buffet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label buffet. Show all posts

Friday, September 4, 2015

Fun with paint

omg i love Heirloom Traditions Paints, so i was happy to see that a Facebook friend tagged me in a post for a new Heirloom Traditions Fab fabric paint. Thank you Rick Anderson! a cool last name although no relation.

Cannot wait to try it on a chair. :)
Thank you to Refunk My Junk for offering a give away contest to try Fab :) and a how to video. so very cool! The Vintage Depot is open tomorrow and i am out of Heirloom Traditions! must get more. must get Fab. i am on a mission. cannot wait til tomorrow!

After painting many many pieces with my supply of Heirloom Traditions Paints from my good friend, my supplier who of course i consider a friend --without HTP i wouldnt have been able to finish this great work of art!- i ran out just before finishing a pretty big project.

This is the only one like it in the entire world. WORLD. that is huge. and i finished it, well except for one tiny spot which is another reason i am excited for ten am to get here so i can finish completely the last little spot where i ran out of paint.

if you are like me, and do not like to go anywhere due to always being covered in paint and having multiple projects going all at the same time, and you need to stock up on some chalk paint of your very own, The vintage Depot has thought of everything. They have a link here to order online!

This buffet sideboard can be purchased at Neat Stuff Store on Brady Street in Davenport, Iowa. it is old has lots of character and was defined by an antiques dealer as Folk Art. all hand painted by yours truly. Thank you for stopping by!

Monday, June 8, 2015

happy June 2015

a few more things i have been painting...

this one has not been started yet....
June is a happy month. It includes my Grandma's 90th birthday get includes warmer weather, except for the rain and humidity the sunshine is wonderful!
It also includes me filling buckets of mulberries to make things in the kitchen with them..and my driveway being slippery since the tree hangs over suv covered in purple and white bird poop, and the neighbor pointing out her discontent with the tree as it hangs over her driveway as well and her suv. hmmm. well then. 
she could always move, not my favorite neighbor ever.... :). but not all bad...

And theres the swimming pool I bought for the dog, lucky marly that my son calls linda. imagine me asking paypal what my forgotten password hint is, they gave a clue, its the name of your pet...ok lucky? marly? max the cat? i had no idea... the lady narrowed it down a bit more...and told me a letter it has in it...what?? oh yeah .. how could i forget that. thanks for the strong hints. They could tell i was clearly clueless to that and suggested i write down my passwords from now on. Problem is i would lose the note they are written down on when i put it in that ever so safe spot they also suggested i use...that is the same spot, i have forgotten where i decided to use and need a very important paper from!

yep the dog hates water. so the pool was useless to cool off or play in for him. i put the plastic pool in my driveway to lessen the loss of berries, and to help lessen the slippery berry coating on my driveway....of course. it would. rain. and fill the pool halfway up with berries and water...that the birds also seemed to love having a bath in as i painted the buffet thinking the berries in the water will just have to be for the birds...not even taking those in the house. I did manage to pick tons yesterday and froze them in a vintage tupperware container. i will make something out of them soon! and so many more to pick still.

finally broke down and spent a little more on paint than usual for heirloom traditions chalk paint. gypsy green hillbilly blue and buttermilk. perfect colors to start out with and it dries so darn quickly! love that time saver for sure.~ will seal everything with polycrylic water based sealer to avoid wax, and to avoid discoloring over time. already avoiding sanding and that is my favorite thing of all since sanding is my least favorite thing of all~

stay tuned and check back often...i cleared out an estate sale, well sort of, brought home quite a few things...the house was filled from top to bottom, and that is no exaggeration! with a majority of the inventory being dolls, quilts, and chickens and rooster figurines and statues. i could not believe how many roosters there were in one house. i now can say i have a couple shelves filled with them in my mcm hutch. just may even post a few later on...once i can absorb just how many roosters and chickens i brought home....much less, why i brought home so many...i not only have an addiction to buffets, chairs and unique vintage things, but i have an addiction to chickens and roosters too.  Not really an addiction as i can stop bringing them home anytime cant i? right...

maybe a better explanation is i treasure hunt for great items. and bring home to enjoy all of them until they find new homes.

Monday, February 16, 2015

painted furniture shabby paints coming soon ~ schedule now

be sure if you have always wanted to try painting furniture to get in touch with me, as shabby paints may be coming soon! am hoping to start scheduling demonstrations in home parties or community get togethers for trying your hand at painting your own special project. There is nothing like a one of a kind piece and especially created by you! 

Check back often for times and openings. i am planning on a shabby painting good spring and summer ahead! ~thanks!