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Monday, January 14, 2019


HEMP Fun Facts and  True or False?

TRUE OR FALSE? One acre of hemp will make the same amount of paper as 4.1 acres of trees in a much shorter amount of time.

TRUE OR FALSE? You can grow that one acre of hemp within one year or less. 

TRUE OR FALSE? The U.S. Declaration of Independence was written on paper made from hemp.

TRUE OR FALSE?  George Washington grew hemp. In fact, it was ordered to be grown on the White House grounds.

TRUE OR FALSE? Hemp can be made into oil and food.

TRUE OR FALSE? The very first Levi Strauss jeans were 100% hemp fiber.

TRUE OR FALSE? Some of the sturdiest sails and ropes for sailing vessels are created from hemp.

TRUE OR FALSE? Many car parts are currently being made from hemp, especially in Canada and Europe.

TRUE OR FALSE? Hemp is 10 times stronger than steel for impact strength in car parts yet lighter in weight.

TRUE OR FALSE?  In the 1930s Henry Ford made a car mostly from hemp instead of steel and it ran on hemp fuel.

TRUE OR FALSE? Many candles, especially used by Abraham Lincoln were made from hemp oil.

TRUE OR FALSE? Hemp and marijuana are two totally different properties of a cannabis plant

TRUE OR FALSE? One can get high from consuming or smoking hemp.

TRUE OR FALSE? There are health benefits of hemp oil including in the treatment of cancer, epilepsy and pain management.

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